More about me
Thank you so much for checking out my blog! If you've read my About page you've probably learned that I tend to go on tangents and I think I'm pretty funny, but more importantly—if you made it through to the end—you learned that I get to travel around Europe for four months and I can’t wait.
I have never traveled outside the US for such a long period of time and I know that while it'll be so much fun, it'll come with its challenges too. It’s hard for me to imagine now, but I'm sure I'll miss some things about the states.
As an amateur world traveler, I hope I can show you a good time as you experience my travels right by my side. Get ready to learn, laugh, and definitely get lost. Honestly. Ask anyone who knows me, I’m directionally challenged. And so is Madison. Wish us luck. We’ll need it.
Bottom line: I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but I'm glad you're along for the ride, even if it's just through this blog.
I want to dedicate this first post to let you all know a little bit more about me…beyond my embarrassing past and my love for creating.
To kick off this journey, here are some random slightly interesting things you should probably, no, definitely know about me because they're important:
1. My favorite show of all time is “Friends”. I’ve watched all 10 seasons probably a million times and I know almost every word to every episode, but somehow it still never fails to crack me up. At this point, I think of Chandler, Joey, Monica, Rachel and Ross as my friends too.
2. I exaggerate. A lot.
3. I love being spontaneous!! This happens a lot because I’m not always great at planning.
4. My first car was a '96 Ford F-150 stick shift single cab truck. Shout out to my grandpa for the quality vehicle (This is not meant to be sarcastic. I seriously have nothing but love for that truck. RIP). Every time my friends got into my truck they knew they were risking the chance that I would randomly stall the car in the middle of the street and their lives would be at stake. The best memory that old truck left me was when I had just broken up with the 15-year-old love of my life and then…my car stalled. (Anyone want to turn my life into a movie yet? No?) After chasing after my boyfriend and asking for help, his mom had to help me jump-start my car. While I stood there super awkwardly, trying to pretend like we hadn’t both just been crying, I still had nothing but love for that truck. Hey—it lasted longer than our relationship!
5. My faith and my family are extremely important to me. My faith guides my decisions and has shaped my character throughout my life. My family members have been my biggest supporters and encouragers (#FOE). I have been extremely blessed with super smart younger brother (who can solve a 9 by 9 rubiks cube? Bet you didn't even know those existed) and my loving parents who have been amazing role models for me all my life. Did I mention I have the coolest grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins? I can honestly say I've never had a boring family gathering...and that's saying something.
6. I’m a terrible singer…but that doesn’t stop me from singing at the top of my lungs to my favorite songs ~ to my friends extreme displeasure~ (my current jam is the soundtrack from “The Greatest Showman”. How can you not smile and get happy when you listen to those songs?!)
7. Sometimes going on drives to nowhere with friends, jamming out to loud music, cruising with the windows down, is better than a million-dollar therapy session. I haven't been to that kind of high dollar therapy, but I still think this argument is valid—long drives and music can fix everything, at least for a little while.
8. If I could meet any celebrity it would be Justin Bieber. I know that most girls grew out of their Belieber phase when they turned 14, but my crush on the Biebs has just grown more intense over the years.
9. I recently learned that sweet potato fries aren’t any healthier for you and I’m honestly still shook? I still eat them and pretend that it’s not true anyway because they’re amazing. And with honey mustard? UGH. To die for. Seriously my weakness. Life’s short.
10. I live every moment to the absolute fullest and feel every feeling to its highest most intense potential—in other words, I’m dramatic. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to go through life any other way. That's just dull. I’ve never been accused of being boring and I’m a huge believer that anything and everything can and should be fun.
11. I can rap the fast part of “Fergalicious”. This used to be my coolest party trick in middle school, but I'm pretty sure everyone can do it now. But if you can’t, then I guess I’m still cool.
12. I’m a firm believer that Kansas City is the best place in the world to grow up and any other part of Kansas is irrelevant and boring (sorry not sorry).
13. Hillary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, & Avril Lavigne raised me. And in that order.
14. I grew up on the lake. I learned to water ski when I was 9 years old and now I wake board and I'm extremely skilled at getting major air and then wiping out. Sometimes this makes for a convincing pic though.
15. I love all sorts of music and I don’t really stick to one genre—except jazz because I'm not 60. I tend to listen to music that reflects my mood or creates a mood I want…if that makes any sense at all.
16. I was voted most likely to trip on stage at graduation. But I did NOT. Been out here just trying to prove everyone wrong ever since.
17. Shih Tzus are the best dog breed in the world and if you disagree with me, you're wrong. Also my Shih Tzu, Sophie, is perfect and the best dog ever. I already miss her and I haven't even left yet.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out this post. More exciting adventures, pictures, and videos to come.
(Pretty sure they say this in England) :)